Breath of Venus

Breath of Venus: Content Inspired by Wellness and Self-Discovery

About Me
Mindful Creations: Creating Content with Purpose

Hi, I’m Gloriana, thanks for being here! As a graphic design graduate and social media creator for 6 years, I’ve found a passion in inspiring others through mindfulness and growth. I currently run two different social media accounts, Meditate and Love and Breath of Venus, and it’s been a joy to share my personal journey and connect with others in the community.

Photography, filmmaking, and writing are my creative outlets, allowing me to capture and express the beauty I see in the world. With a focus on wellness, mental health, and personal growth, I’m excited to craft meaningful ideas that resonate with others and make a positive impact on their lives.

I believe in the power of creativity to inspire and uplift, and I’m grateful to be able to share my passion with the world.


My photos strive to capture the beauty of everyday life in a way that feels organic and natural.

I aim to evoke a sense of tranquility and peace through my images, creating a moment of stillness amidst the chaos of everyday life.

Through my approachable and down-to-earth style, I hope to make my photos relatable and accessible to everyone, inspiring a sense of calm and relatability.


My videos showcase the importance of mindful living, with the goal of inspiring and leaving viewers feeling introspective. I carefully craft my messages to ensure thoughtfulness and attempt to make everyday life seem more delightful.

My videos often feature calming music and nature scenes to create a serene atmosphere. I strive to collaborate with brands whose products align with my values and message. Through my content, I hope to help viewers connect with their inner selves and appreciate the simplicity of life while also introducing them to brands that share similar values.

Let's work together!

If you are interested in working together, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to discuss how we can create a partnership that benefits both of us!

» Instagram: @breathofvenus

» Tiktok: @breathofvenus

» YouTube: @breathofvenus

Thanks for stopping by!